Ugandan Food Blogger Sophie Musoki

I am Sophie and I write a food blog, A Kitchen in Uganda, where I cook, share kitchen experiences, food stories and recipes. A kitchen in Uganda (AKIU) is a food blog that chronicles my adventures in the kitchen. It aspires to highlight local produce; especially indigenous harvest by turning it into scrumptious enjoyable meals with a modern twist.

I am not a trained chef but have always wanted to go to culinary school. I was once taking a course in Hotel and Restaurant management but changed to do BBA with emphasis in Entrepreneurship. Currently I am finalizing my degree while blogging at the same time. Hopefully, in the future, I will go to culinary school.

Being a food enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by food and the process it goes through from raw material to the finished meal. I want to bring to light this process of food preparation, this part of the world, the foods we eat and how we get creative with what we have.  Also, I love cooking and being in the kitchen.

Sophie M
Sophie M

I cook in my parents’ kitchen for now with hopes to get my own soon. I occasionally make just enough money to keep the blog running mainly through sponsored posts and recipe development.

Those who know what it is that I do take me seriously although it is still hard for most people to grasp the fact that I cook food take pictures of it and put it online.  And yes, I have been asked to get a ‘real’ job many times, especially since I am in the job seeking age bracket.

I would like to cook for my Culinary Arts Science and Nutrition lecturer who inspired me to cook (among many others) and to do it creatively. I would probably cook something that includes either sticky rice or cassava and coconut milk. I am sure she would love it.


Ten years from now I see myself with a well established product line, a book in the works and cooking workshops.



Even the best cooking pot will not produce food.

African Proverb


Sharing quick read articles around work, money and adulting life with selective interviews and quotes.