Change Some Habits

There are times when things are out of your control but you can control how you react to them. One way is to change some habits in your life.

As an entrepreneur and someone who is in formal employment at the same time, your habits can affect how you perform. One or the other will suffer so you have to keep on top of things by

Setting Priorities

The business may be a weekend and free day thing and your formal work may take up most of your time but there is no reason why one should suffer. Decide which parts of the business you can put on hold and work on those that are critical to keep going. That said; make sure that your formal work is also not neglected because you want to be at your business.

At work, prioritize putting your best foot forward and ignore any messages or demands from the business. Leave those to when you can give them your full attention at weekends, after hours and holidays. Do not let the pressures of one ooze into the other as you will end up not having any breathing room and things will look worse than they really are.

Using Your Time Well

As you may well have figured out by now free time no longer exists. Every minute of the day light hours and some night are filled with things to do. So, use that time well.

Even when you’re not at work and trying to follow things up on your business you might start thinking if you finished the work you were given by your boss. This is a distraction and will eat into your time.

Unless you got a call from the office, which you should not in your free time, use this time for thinking of and taking care of your own business.

Not Neglecting Yourself

Do something for pleasure away from your work and business. Doing something for pleasure may not be something you consider a priority but, it is. You need to have moments when you are neither at work or your business.

Do something that you will enjoy and are comfortable with and not just something that is on trend. Sometimes people think that they should do for pleasure what others are doing and end up spending money they do not have or were keeping for something else and worse, not enjoying themselves.

Spend some time enjoying your own company or nurturing relationships at home with your spouse and children if any. Take a walk and have look at what is going on in your area. Walking is not only good for your health you will find that it inspires creativity.

You can and should schedule some leisure time into your calendar and sometimes this may just be watching a game at the local stadium or simply weeding the vegetable garden if that’s your happy place.

Time to enjoy the small pleasures of life is more important now than ever before. Be sure to schedule opportunities to refresh.


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