Questions to Zambian Comedian Nancy P. Vikacha

When Nancy Vikacha gets on stage or shares a post on social media every word is geared at making people laugh. We asked her:

When did you first realize you were funny?

Aha, wow…all the way through secondary school I was a noise maker with company (Lol) and so I can say it was when I was in secondary school. Where,also, my first public performing started and took place during inter-school festivals.
The realization that I was indeed funny came during my time at the University of Zambia where I was part of the Drama Society commonly known as Unzadrams. My team and I did a lot of theatre dramas that would hype up the audience and I realized that after a show, it was quite hard for the people who would come through to forget my name. And it was from here that I transitioned into a standup comedian.

What have been the unfunny parts of being in comedy?

Ha…so many but a few of the unfunny parts are, people not laughing at a joke you thought was a killer joke. Being labeled a prostitute because comedy is considered to be a man’s career. Going home with no pay because the show didn’t sell off. And after a killer performance on stage having to scrounge around for a lift back home.
And, and…when you meet people and they be asking you to do a little performance because they heard you are a comedian. And when you tell them you have a show, they don’t want to buy tickets, in fact, they want a free ticket!

How do you prepare yourself before a show?

No two ways about it, I whisper prayers to God.. I always tell God that “…. God, I am only as good as my previous performance but this coming one, I want to be as great as the talent you gave me.” Then rehearsals, rehearsals, rehearsals, with my fellow comedians. Helping each other with polishing material. Which is the beauty of having each other in the industry because we don’t want anyone to flop on a show.
Vikacha International 

Laughing strengthens relationships, bonds people and creates priceless memories.

Who are you when not on stage being funny?

I am a hustler, I am into a small business with my friend, my business partner who is also into art, a well-known actress Lisa Moono. I am a voice over radio director, producer, project manager, actress, model and a foodie.

If you were to write a short letter to your 18 year old self what would you say?

Dear Vikacha,

I remember one day telling you to stop dreaming about America with your eyes closed. I asked you to get up, open them, go and discover yourself, discover your talent, love it, coz one day it was going to make your dreams come true without even falling asleep. I am glad you listened, I know you are not yet there but you will be there soon.

Remember when somebody told you that you are a failure, yes, they are now saying they believed in you! Lol. Life.

I wish I could say I miss being 18 but, I don’t because that was the time life taught me life. You were young but not free. Most of the times you waited for validation, people’s approval till the time you got up. So again, I will say I am glad you got up.

Yours with love,
Vikacha (big).

I am a voice over radio director, producer, project manager, actress, model and a foodie.


Sharing quick read articles around work, money and adulting life with selective interviews and quotes.