Briefly With a Zambian Long Time Pastor

Kedrick Mapalo for many years has been a self-supporting pastor but recently, he has moved into logistics. And now runs a business as a clearing agent.
Briefly Pastor Kedrick Mapalo told us this:

As a minister of the gospel, I started working with university and college students in Zambia under the umbrella of Zambia Fellowship of Evangelical Students (ZAFES). After I responded to a call from God. God called me into ministry 3 months after I had repented of my own ways in 1982 April.

For me, first, and foremost, I follow the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the basis of all I say and do. And after the transformation I experienced in 1982 Christ continues to affect all areas of my life-without exception.

As a clearing agent, I started when a fellow Zambian minister from USA came to Namibia to have his truck cleared at Walvis Bay. And after it was discovered workers had stolen some contents in the truck. I decided to register a company to “clean up” the industry. Initially I just did it for fun. But, eventually, registered our clearing business, company in 2012. Our, is my wife and I. And our plan was to establish presence at all Namibian orders with neighboring countries and aimed for owning a clearing and logistics business, owning a home and always and at the same time, preaching the gospel.

If I could go back and change something, what would I change? It would be starting ministry earlier than I did and…the choice of my career path at university. I realise I chose the latter for prestige not passion. I felt proud when I said, “I was reading Public Administration and Economics.”

I am intrigued by Mr. Donald Trump and how he overcame the odds when he was US$ 1 billion in debt, still managed not only to stay afloat, but made a great fortune afterwards. Mr. Trump’s ascension to power and how he has beaten the odds, would make even his enemies greatly admire his resilience and tenacity.

In my ‘free’ time… I like reading books, (especially biographies of a variety of people), watching sermons and historical documentaries, exercising and travelling.
Mr. and Mrs. Mapalo

Sharing quick read articles around work, money and adulting life with selective interviews and quotes.