Valuation Officer Jeremiah Sinchende on a Page

First job? Assistant Valuation surveyor.

Present job? Valuation Officer.

What does this entail? It entails I have progressed in my career.

You work alone or in a team? In a team.

Why this career? I chose this career because property is the most important element in wealth hence it will always be vital to appraise property from time to time.

What do you enjoy? Receiving clientele at all levels and being exposed to a variety of properties and designs.

Your favorite city, why? Lusaka is my favorite city because almost every day about 90% of the clients are from Lusaka. Hence it’s a good city for business in my career.

Your favorite equipment? Laptop, because I can use it for multi-purposes; especially typing my work anywhere at any time.

If you had the chance to change something in your city what would it be? Bank interest rates on mortgages.

Who do you admire? Donald Trump. He is one of the most successful real estate investors in the world.

Where would you like to be in 5 years? I would want to be at consultancy level working independently and also with other organizations and at least be a Master’s degree holder.


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