Have you noticed that when you have a free moment or two and sit down with friends the conversation turns to things that are annoying and eating up your time. Add to this your social media which is full of irrelevant updates and gossip?
Well, you get what you give so don’t throw a fit. Meaning your social time in real life and online will be filled with things or topics that you tolerate and spend your time on.
The same goes for apps that you have downloaded, posts you have engaged with and the groups you belong to.
Basically every moment of your time is already accounted for, with things that you have allowed in. So, do not complain rather do this
Avoid What Will Annoy You
When you know something will annoy you simply remove it from your list of things to pay attention to. And no, you will not be rude or miss out on anything. There are always going to be some distractions you can’t, or don’t want to, ignore but, unless it is a matter of life and death you can remove it from your attention list.
Do not open that app, answer that message or comment on the newest status up-dates. Social media is going to have to wait for a moment when you have time for it and it will not disappear because you did not comment. It goes where you go hence the term mobile but, you owe yourself some free moments.
Do Something in The Physical World
There is a tendency to go out and visit people and then whip out the mobile phone. Try leaving the phone and going out for an hour or 2 outside without it. Walk around the neighbourhood and see what is going on. Stop and talk to the person at the kiosk or just take a book out and read it.
The idea is to get away from that annoying world online. Find a little something in the physical world that you will enjoy. This is anything that that is a stress free moment and mame sure you incorporate it into your everyday life.
Silence is Golden
Conditioned to journal and share every moment of your day on-line you will find it hard not to continue but, do try to stop sharing everything. The things that shock you or aggravate you are things you should avoid subjecting other people to also.
If you must tell someone, call your partner, mother, sister, cousin or grandparent and tell them about it. Assuming they are free to chat about how your child said a word for the first time, how you discovered that toothpaste has gone up or there are no places to sit quietly in the city etc. etc. make that call or visit that person.
And remember just because you did not post it does not mean it did not happen. It did but, not the whole world needs to know. Have a silent chuckle, be indignant on your own or take a picture for posterity just for you and yours.