Driven Young Computer Aficionado David D. Nkhata

I grew up in Kalingalinga Lusaka and am the first child of three. My father passed away when I was 12 years old in 2007 and have since been with my mom, two siblings and a really great step-father.

My education started at Jacaranda Secondary school from 2009 to 2010 and continued at Lusaka High school (currently Lusaka secondary School) from 2011 to 2013. Later I went to Evelyn Hone College and at the end of my 3 years I received a diploma in Purchasing and Supply Management.

I am currently formally employed by a Financial Services company and working as a front line agent. I am best suited for this job because I am very passionate about what I do, am dedicated, have really good computer knowledge and great customer service coupled with a charming personality.

My really good computer knowledge means I also have a side hustle fixing computers, mobile phones and upgrading software.

I love and am passionate about computers because they use a language that is easy to identify and yet complicated. This makes my brain want to know more about how they operate.

I think it all started at around the time I was 11 years old when my uncle got his first laptop. The sound often broke so I started messing with the IRQ settings and when I got them working. I began fixing everything on the laptop!

The most striking aspect is that technology has never failed to amaze me and I fortunately am from the right generation and am able to keep up and observe the impact it has on the world. This does not mean that I do not have people around me that I rely on and listen to; I do. My mother being the obvious one who I look up to and whose hard work ethic put me through school single handedly. Also, my uncle (William) who owns his own real estate company.

I am passionate about technology because it is problem solving and one of my aspirations for my future is to study computer science and IT. I want to be able to get into the programing world to create and make life easier and efficient, and create my own company like Google or Microsoft. To pull together all who have a passion for technology and bring in new ideas to help technologically advance my country.

When it comes to men in technology Bill Gates is someone I admire, his passion and dedication to advance the world technologically has made him into a successful business man. That is where I am heading…

David Dickson Nkhata

I love and am passionate about computers because they use a language that is easy to identify and yet complicated.


Sharing quick read articles around work, money and adulting life with selective interviews and quotes.