Rabecca Lemba is a researcher with a Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies and a Master’s in Gender Studies. These questions …

Rabecca Lemba is a researcher with a Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies and a Master’s in Gender Studies. These questions …
I grew up in Kalingalinga Lusaka and am the first child of three. My father passed away when I was …
I am a freelance creative consultant based in Lusaka and have been a feature writer, copy writer and deputy publishing …
An Agronomist passionate about crop production and other agricultural practices that contribute to food security Sheila Zulu has worked with …
Ease My Safari Limited is a tours and travel company based in Nairobi Kenya. The company offers safaris and adventure …
Have you ever worked for someone else? Yes, I was a concierge for a one of the best tour companies …
First job? Assistant Valuation surveyor. Present job? Valuation Officer. What does this entail? It entails I have progressed in my …
Abigail Mbuzi is an Accountant by profession and a 36 year old single mother of 3 boys and after more …
The Business Citimop Limited offers waste management and cleaning services which means collecting, transporting and disposing of solid waste at …
I am not exactly sure I can pin point an exact time when I knew that I am a creative …