Looking for a job is stressful and will be even more if you are doing it on social media. It’s a very difficult or easy place to find work depending on how you present yourself.
If you go on social media looking for work these are the things you can do right now
Upload a Photo
You are a person, so include a photo of you that identifies you. Avoid uploading a photo of your favorite soccer team jersey, animated character or movie villain. As the moment you post a request for a job opening, or ask for help to find a job, people will go to your profile picture. And no one wants to hire a cartoon character or a movie villain.
Upload a recent photo of yourself. Much like one that you would submit for an identity document because if you want to look serious to a prospective employer, it is important that you upload a professional photograph.
Fill out The Bio Section
In as much as many social media bios are on the unserious side, avoid being comical, provocative or leaving the bio section empty. Give a brief of what you do, can do or what you are qualified in.
Leave out personal information, such as your date of birth, ethnicity or religious affiliation. Instead add your volunteer experience, internship, or some other activity that will give a good impression.
Also, make sure you add a professional-looking email account. Do not put an irrelevant link or an email address that you used once upon a time and have forgotten the password to yourself. Select and add a professional looking email based on your name.
Follow Strategically
Much as it is wonderful to follow celebrities and be followed back. Chances are very very slim that they will offer you a job. And if you are not looking to gather followers in the hope of leveraging this for an influencer gig, do not worry about the number of followers you have. Worry about the number of people you are following that can be prospective employers.
Basically follow people who are near you geographically, are in the field you are looking to work in and connect with them. This does not mean you cannot have any other connections. You can but, mix the following list with employer prospects and the old fashioned social connnections.
If the platform you are on has a system that allows you to follow groups, then join them to network with a wider audience. “It takes a village” means just that. Which is that there are people in the community that are ready and willing to help. Be part of the community.
Sell Yourself Post by Post
The conversations you have on social media are a little window into who you are. So, from the onset decide how you want to be perceived. And, whether you like it or not, you’ll want to carefully tailor your posts. And, be mindful of what you like, comment on and what you share.
A first impression with your prospects on social media should leave them with an interest in your talents, services or ideas and make them interested in communicating with you.
Pick a personal brand voice and stick to it. If you want it to be one that is knowledgeable then post tips in your field. If you want it to be accessible without being too academic, then be outspoken but not argumentative. If you want to be funny, then be so. But do not be funny one post and then dark another. Be consistent. This way prospects are not confused and will have no problem seeking you out when they have something they want done by you. Either short term or long term.