Many people think that being healthy is not such a difficult task as it is easy to see if you are over-weight or under-weight. However, your health matters involve a lot more than fluctuations in weight. To bolster your health here are a few tips
- Maintain a healthy weight for You
Yes your weight is a big determinant of whether you have a generally healthy body and being either overweight or underweight is not healthy and can contribute to adverse health effects but remember that your physical frame is not the same as other peoples. We all vary in size and weight. A person with a large frame can carry a little more weight while a person with a smaller frame will be able to carry less.
Maintain a healthy weight for you and your frame and do not fret if you do eat more (nutritious) food than the person next to you.
- Eat Seasonally
Seasonal produce is usually neglected by many people as a source of healthy eating but every year in your area you should have a varied supply of fruits and vegetables depending on the growing conditions and weather. Look out for different fruits and vegetables throughout the year because it is smart to add the rich supply of especially “wild” fruits and vegetables to your diet.
Wild berries, legumes and leafy vegetables during their peak season are cheap and easy to get so take advantage of their brief but abundant appearance. They make a great, inexpensive and very healthy change.
- Stay Hydrated
Dehydration has many negative side effects like fatigue, mental cloudiness, headaches, and moodiness and in some instances kidney stones and urinary tract infections. Adding liquids and especially water is therefore really vital for maintaining good health.
Water plays a very big role especially if you are physically active or sweat a lot during the day. You need water to replace the fluid lost when you sweat and to keep you invigorated. Drinking water also keeps you from drinking unhealthy carbonated drinks and artificial juices, which contain a lot of sugar.
- Exercise
Exercise lowers the risk of some diseases like Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. These diseases, which used to be found mostly in middle aged adults, are also turning up in the youth. While it is true your life is busier and there is no time or even a suitable place for you to play some soccer, basketball, netball, swim etc. you really should put in a little exercise (like running, or brisk walking).
Exercise has a lot of benefits for you like helping you age well, strengthening your bones and bolstering your health in the long term. Exercise also makes you feel and look better. It is one of the most important parts of keeping your body at a healthy place.
- Move
If you spend most of your day sitting at work there are some negative side effects; like a reduced blood flow and reduced ability to burn calories. As much as you can get up for just a few minutes and walk around a bit and to accumulate those steps each day park a bit far away from your office, the building entrance you have a meeting in, the store you want to shop in and walk the rest of the way. And take the stairs and not the lift.
Little opportunities are everywhere; being active isn’t just about running or joining a gym. Move more because the sedentary life is not healthy.
- Get Some Sleep
When you sleep, your body produces cells that fight infection, inflammation, and stress—which means that getting little or poor-quality sleep not only makes you more prone to getting ill, but also increases the time you need to recover from an illness. Not getting enough sleep can make you tired, irritable, lose concentration and can inhibit you from retaining information.
Remember, when you do go to bed to sleep turn off your TV, smartphone, tablet, or laptop.